Wednesday, December 14, 2016

How to Invert Layer and Vector Masks in Photoshop (Video)

Invert Layer and Vector Masks in Photoshop

Masks are one of building blocks of Adobe Photoshop. We are using masks to hide and reveal a certain portion of the layer, applied filter, adjustment layer, layer style...

Types of masks

There are two types of masks in Photoshop: layer and vector mask.

Layer mask - why and how to invert it

Usually, we are creating a layer (bitmap) mask using selection or by painting. Sometimes it is easier to select a background or what we need to mask out then to invert the selection. It may happen that you have created, accidentally, the opposite mask of what you really want depend on technique and tools that you are using. The solution is simple and easy: invert layer mask by inverting colors on it using keyboard shortcut Ctrl/Cmd + I.

Vector mask - why and how to invert it

Another type of mask is vector mask which is usually created using shape tools and the Pen tool. Almost every tool has its options in the Options bar. One of the options is Path operations which determine the behavior of created path: to combine, subtract, intersect or exclude overlapping areas.

Path operations are manual options and remain default unless the user changes it to something else. It may happen that Path operations is set wrong for what you want to achieve and created mask is not delivering expected result. The good news is that Path operations can be changed even after drawing path what will "invert" vector mask and give you expected and desired masking result.

Video tutorial

Here is my video recording which explains why and how to invert layer and vector masks in Adobe Photoshop. If you have any difficulties or further questions, please do not hesitate to leave comments.

Product used in this tutorial:
Adobe Photoshop CC 2017

Mask layers

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